Currently the best option for the proper disposal of household hazardous wastes (HHW) is Environmental Enterprises, Inc. (EEI). They are located at 4650 Spring Grove Ave. in Cincinnati 45232. EEI is a private company and they only accept HHW during specific times. EEI is fee based; however, Clermont County residents can obtain a voucher from the Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District which will waive this fee. Email or call 513-732-7744 to apply for a voucher.
EEI has very limited hours. Please call them at 513-541-1823 before you travel there to ensure that you have their most up to date hours.
HHW drop offs should be brought to the west end of the building. During open hours there should be an open dock where an attendant will accept your HHW and voucher. Here is an annotated map and a picture of the HHW dock: