Our Mission
To protect and where possible, enhance environmental conditions in order to maintain a high quality of life for both present and future residents of Clermont County. First formed in 1995, the Office of Environmental Quality (OEQ) continues to work with local, state and federal agencies and the general public to provide guidance and solutions to Clermont County’s environmental concerns.
What we do
OEQ is responsible for monitoring environmental conditions within Clermont County and characterizing the processes that impact the environment. Through a better understanding of natural environmental processes, OEQ is working to predict future changes caused by human activities and to balance environmental conditions with continued growth and development.
Water Quality Program:
Since 1996, OEQ has been monitoring the water quality and the biological conditions throughout the East Fork Little Miami River Watershed, as well as other locations throughout Clermont County. With the information collected, OEQ has developed a water quality model that helps to characterize current problems, predict future impacts and guide Clermont County’s watershed management strategy.
Watershed Management Program:
The East Fork Watershed Collaborative is in the process of developing a comprehensive watershed management plan for the East Fork watershed. The Lower East Fork, Lake Tributaries, and Headwaters Sub-Watershed Management Plans are endorsed by the Ohio EPA. The EFLMR watershed coordinator is currently working on management plans for the Lower East Fork and Stonelick sub-watersheds. Management activities include, but are not limited to, green space development, improved sediment and erosion control measures, stormwater control, and strategies to improve the performance of on-site wastewater treatment systems.
Solid Waste and Recycling:
The Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District, a part of OEQ, is responsible for the development and implementation of a Solid Waste Management Plan for both Clermont and Adams County. The plan outlines the strategies that will help reduce our reliance on landfills for the disposal of solid waste generated within the two counties. The goal of the Solid Waste District is to provide for adequate disposal capacity for solid waste generated in Adams and Clermont Counties and to provide recycling opportunities for residents, businesses, and industries.
Air Quality:
Though air quality monitoring within Clermont County is conducted by Southwest Ohio Air Quality Agency (SOAQA), OEQ helps coordinate the activities of SOAQA, the Clermont County Health District, and Ohio EPA to achieve and maintain healthy air quality for the residents of Clermont County.